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主要从事基于组学技术的中药药效物质基础及机制研究,主持完成国家自然科学基金青年项目1项,主持完成天津市自然科学基金1项,主持在研天津市重点实验室开放课题1项,参与国家级、教委及企业横课题4项。目前已发表论文30余篇,其中以第一作者或通讯作者发表SCI论文18篇。主要负责课题组Phytomedicine, frontiers in pharmacology, Journal of pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis等杂志的审稿工作。 主持或参加科研项目: (1) 国家自然科学基金委员会,青年项目,81703690,基于多组分药代动力学和网络药理学的北豆根抗心肌缺血药效物质基础及作用机制研究,2018-01-01至2020-12-31,20万元,已结题,主持 (2) 天津市科学技术局,青年项目,19JCQNJC12200,基于质谱动态追踪探寻北豆根生物碱抗AD活性的药效物质基础,2019-04-01至2022-03-31,6万元,已结题,主持 (3) 科研学术处,博士启动基金,WHB201711,北豆根中抗缺氧成分6-O-去甲基蝙蝠葛波酚碱的分离富集及其药代动力学研究,2018-04至2019-10,3万元,已结题,主持 (4) 天津市重点实验室开放课题,E2030R2604,基于临床质谱的结直肠癌早期诊断标志物及其治疗药物检测方法的开发,2022-07至2024-06,6万元,在研,主持 (5) 国家自然科学基金委员会,专项项目,82141209,基于MOA和PBPK的柴芩药对治疗病毒性肺炎的活性物质及配伍优化研究,2022-01-01至2024-12-31,80万元,在研,参与 (6) 天津市教委,高校自然科学研究一般项目,2019KJ078,离子型衍生化环糊精手性固定相的制备及应用研究,2020-01至2022-12,6万元,在研,参与 (7) 企业横题,口服难吸收中药的药效物质及作用机制的研究,2021-07至2023-02,80万,在研,参与 代表性成果: (1) Jinxia Wei*, Yingying Yu, Yue Zhang, Lingzhi Li, Xia Li, Jia Shao*, Yubo Li*. Integrated Serum Pharmacochemistry and Network Pharmacology Approach to Explore the Effective Components and Potential Mechanisms of Menispermi Rhizoma Against Myocardial Ischemia, Frontiers in Chemistry, 2022, 10: 869972. (2) Jia Shao, Qiang Zhang, Jing Wei, Zhiguang Yuchi, Peng Cao, Shao-Qing Li, Shan Wang, Jing-Yuan Xu, Shuang Yang, Yi Zhang*, Jin-Xia Wei*, Jin-Lei Tian*. Synthesis, crystal structures, anticancer activities and molecular docking studies of novel thiazolidinone Cu(II) and Fe(III) complexes targeting lysosomes: special emphasis on their binding to DNA/BSA. Dalton transactions, 2021, DOI:https://doi.org/10.1039/D1DT02180J (3) Jinxia Wei#, Simiao Fan#, Hongxin Yu#, Lexin Shu, Yubo Li*. A New Strategy for the Rapid Identification and Validation of the Direct Targets of Aconitine-Induced Cardiotoxicity. Drug Design, Development and Therapy, 2021, 15: 4649-4664. (4) Jinxia Wei*, Yingying Yu, Yanan Li, Jia Shao, Jianyu Li, Lingzhi Li, Yubo Li*. Pharmacokinetics, tissue distribution and excretion of 6-O-demethylmenisporphine, a bioactive oxoisoaporphine alkaloid from Menispermi Rhizoma, as determined by a HPLC-MS/MS method. Journal of Chromatography B, 2020, 1156(Article 122297): 1-11. (5) Jinxia Wei, Zhen Jiang, Zhi Cui, Xingjie Guo*. Rapid determination of eight oxoisoaporphine alkaloids in Rhizoma Menispermi by the optimal homogenate extraction followed by UPLC-MS/MS. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2015, 407: 5535-5540. |